Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Incident #7

Tony Abear, Sockpuppet.

Some investigation work has shown that no Tony Abear lives in Tyler, Texas, no phone number, and when called, the management of the Salado Apartments said there was no Tony Abear that has lived there past or present.

What is also noticeable, is that this Tony Abear has also been corresponding with other former members of TBIG, and in that correspondence, he always tries to make Troy look like an all-knowing Bigfoot expert. Those of us, who have met Troy in person, can testify to his zestful bragging about how much of an expert he is on all things Bigfoot.

So we have Tony Abear, who is imaginary, praising Troy, while attacking other former TBIG members for speaking out what they know about Troy.

Interesting facts.

Incident #6

The Break-up of TBIG

In 2010, it was announced that TBIG (Texas Bigfoot Investigation Group) would host the 2010 Honobia Bigfoot Conference. Little did anyone know then, that just a few weeks before that conference was held, that TBIG broke up, and the blame was pointed at Troy Hudson for the breakup by all the other members of that group.

With permission from Bob Truskowski, former TBIG member, here is the e-mails and explanation concerning this incident.

Bob first explains that because Troy was using TBIG as a sign on to several forums, he was giving the entire group a bad reputation.

Here is a screen capture that shows where Troy was banned from one such forum.

Troy has trouble understanding that something has happened to his and Bob's friendship because of his activities.

And whoa, what is this below, John Lawson of North Ft. Smith is trying to get a hold of Troy Hudson? Interesting since the same John Lawson also sent the MABRC the same exact e-mail, looking for Troy.

Troy is now threatening people that do not listen to his "advice"? "Do not cross me!" "how vendictive (sic) and lethal I can be", sounds like he is definitely threatening people here that are failing to heed his "demands".

Interesting that Troy is now going "berserk" over a witness' refusal to get drawn into his little charade against former members of TBIG. As you can see from the screen captures here, that Troy soon delves into the darkness of insanity as he tries to portray himself as a savior first, then when he fails miserably at that with the witness, he begins getting agitated and agressive against his former friends and team members.

Tony the Tiger?

In several instances here, you will see that Troy has used the pseudonym of "Tony" on multiple occasions and it now appears that Troy has created this "Tony" as one of his main characters to give himself more "credibility" by having this "Tony" give credit to Troy in the third person.

Tony Abear has claimed to live in Tyler, Texas, yet phone record searches produce no Tony Abear even being in the State of Texas. Hmmm, interesting.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Incident #5

Is she or isn't she?

A lot of debate is ongoing since the posting of the Honobia Bigfoot Conference Speaker schedule for 2011, and the inclusion of Melba Ketchum as a speaker.

But then there is this interesting correspondence from Troy Hudson with a blogger who asked for the truth.

According to Troy, Melba was only added to the schedule to meet advertising deadlines, and despite repeated questions to her on Facebook, Melba has not announced if she will be there or not. Seems to a lot of folks, the conference would be worth attending if she was to actually speak, but perhaps this is all a plot to draw folks in and get their money by Troy, who can then refer back to the speakers subject to change without notice clause on the advertisements.

Incident #4

On August 19, 2011, an individual named Kelly Newman sent an e-mail through the TexlaResearch Website to Mike Hall. The IP address was logged. This Kelly Newman quickly began threatening Mike in subsequent e-mail correspondence as shown below.

And now for the good part. TexlaResearch has a counter that also tracks visitor's IP addresses, so it wasn't too hard to find out who it was that sent the e-mail. With this IP address in hand, TexlaResearch contacted DW. DW checked on the IP addresses that Troy had used on the MABRC Forums to post from. The IP Address was and was a static IP assigned by Verizon to a DSL modem, usually assigned to a Government agency, like a Police Department.

So by taking the IP address that TexlaResearch recorded from their website, DW matched it up to one IP Address on the MABRC Forums that Troy Hudson had made 4 posts to. Imagine that, Troy got caught sending threatening e-mails to Mike Hall, because he didn't think about the MABRC Forum recording his IP Address.

Yes Folks, Troy has struck again, masquerading as a Judge's Paralegal, threatening someone with bodily harm, threatening them with Legal action, and also committing slander and defamation of character.

Incident #3

Troy pretends to be others, and then uses that to bolster himself credibility-wise. Here is an exchange between a researcher and a person claiming to be interested in getting Troy to talk to him about a situation with some bigfoot taking and leaving gifts.

Incident #2

Troy Hudson sent an e-mail to DW on August 18, 2011, after DW asked Vera to ask him to back off and stop harassing DW and the MABRC.

As you can see, Troy also calls Scott Plowman my henchman. Wow, another switch of Troy's personality, since the last e-mail he sent to DW about Scott Plowman was full of praise for Scott.

DW has had enough, and announces on Facebook that he is boycotting the 2011 Honobia Bigfoot Conference because Troy will be hosting the conference. Here is some of the comments that was made on that post.

So now we have Ron Boles coming forward, announcing that he has had run-ins with Troy, and Ron is good enough to copy the contents to the thread for all to see. It seems Troy is all braggart about Ron coming to the Conference, why does Troy want someone to come meet him face-to-face, the way he hides under different facades on the Internet.

Troy attempts to goad Ron into doing something that could lead to Ron getting in trouble, Troy could scream that Ron was there to cause trouble and have him escorted off the conference grounds and then be able to brag about it later.