The Break-up of TBIG
In 2010, it was announced that TBIG (Texas Bigfoot Investigation Group) would host the 2010 Honobia Bigfoot Conference. Little did anyone know then, that just a few weeks before that conference was held, that TBIG broke up, and the blame was pointed at Troy Hudson for the breakup by all the other members of that group.
With permission from Bob Truskowski, former TBIG member, here is the e-mails and explanation concerning this incident.
Bob first explains that because Troy was using TBIG as a sign on to several forums, he was giving the entire group a bad reputation.
Here is a screen capture that shows where Troy was banned from one such forum.
Troy has trouble understanding that something has happened to his and Bob's friendship because of his activities.

And whoa, what is this below, John Lawson of North Ft. Smith is trying to get a hold of Troy Hudson? Interesting since the same John Lawson also sent the MABRC the same exact e-mail, looking for Troy.
Troy is now threatening people that do not listen to his "advice"? "Do not cross me!" "how vendictive (sic) and lethal I can be", sounds like he is definitely threatening people here that are failing to heed his "demands".
Interesting that Troy is now going "berserk" over a witness' refusal to get drawn into his little charade against former members of TBIG. As you can see from the screen captures here, that Troy soon delves into the darkness of insanity as he tries to portray himself as a savior first, then when he fails miserably at that with the witness, he begins getting agitated and agressive against his former friends and team members.