Troy plays a charade where he claims he isn't Troy, but Tony right off the bat. As soon as this message was received by Scott, he called me direct and asked again, to make sure that this was indeed Troy. I re-confirmed it for Scott.

Scott sends a response back that it's imperative for Troy to contact him. And gets this in return from Troy.

Scott tells him that he is avoiding the conversation, by this time, D.W. and D.O. is both in the loop, watching this unfold. Troy now claims to be a guy named Steve, who is a friend of his, accessing the MABRC Forums under Troy's user account, a direct violation of the Terms of Service for the Forum that Troy agreed to when he signed up.
Scott is getting frustrated, which is understandable, since Troy is acting as someone else.
"Steve" then begins getting a little arrogant about his replies.
Finally, Darkwing sends Troy a message about all this, and Troy promptly responds to Scott and begins putting his story into place about who Steve is.
Troy also begins trying to sugarcoat things with Darkwing by sending him a message, claiming that Scott was starting things like he did on a BFRO Expedition. What Troy doesn't realize, is that DW was in the loop the entire time, and knew the contents of all messages that had been passed back and forth. Scott had made sure that any correspondence was sent to Darkwing for covering his own hiney in all this.
An e-mail exchange between Darkwing and Troy now begins. Darkwing allows Troy to explain why there are multiple people using his account on the MABRC Forums. He claims that Scott had issues with him at the Texas BFRO Conference. Hmm, I didn't know the BFRO had a Texas Conference? Maybe he meant to say "EXPEDITION", since that was his claim in the message on the MABRC Forums? He also begins explaining who the other people were that used his login. Interesting since we have since uncovered that Troy uses his Droid phone to access the Internet from anywhere in the country.

DW then explains to Troy that Scott had kept him and DO in the loop on this entire affair, and once I served him notice on this, he began backpedaling.
Notice how Troy now claims how great a guy Scott is, knowing full well he has been caught bad-mouthing Scott, when DW and DO knew all that had happened, and that Scott was not trying to cause trouble.

DW banned Nashoba from the MABRC Forums, and Troy was told why, he violated the rules by allowing someone else access the forum under his account. DW also told Troy that since he couldn't be trusted anymore, the DW and DO would not have anything more to do with him. In one last bid to claim his innocence, Troy asked what Steve had done to be disrespectful. It was the entire affair that had left a bad taste in the mouth of the MABRC as a whole.